Improving forecast data
Problem: Escape limited demand foresight and avoid the cost and waste it creates. Forecasting is crucial for business success and sustainable resource use, but many exclusively rely on sentiment and individual judgement when forecasting.
Solution: Real-time, real-world projections – not sentiment-driven estimates. 400 million economic indicators – automatically translated into a dynamic, medium-term forecast for your demand. Connect your data to the world, while preserving anonymity and security.
USP: Use of advanced AI and data-driven methods – not calling around or consensus reports. No data noise. Identify, incorporate, update continuously what’s relevant for your business out of millions of macro-economic, financial, price, trade data, etc.
Markets: High volume products with broad customer base, polymers, fibres, resins, etc.

Founded: 2021
Location: Lissabon
Stage: Seed

Bjol Frenkenberger

Nuno Barros